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Chamber of Darkness Walkthrough

How to use the maps:

e - entrance
x - exit
X - savepoint
s - seals/switches

Chamber of Darkness Entryway

    |   |
 ___|   |___
|           |
|           |
|___     ___|
    |  X|
    |   |

Just walk to the exit.

First Area

|   |
|   |__________
|              |
|___     __    |
    |   |  |   |
 ___|   |  |___|
|       |
|___    |
    |   |
    |   |

Just walk to the exit.

Second Area

 _x_      ___
|   |    | s |
|   |____|   |
|            |
|________    |
         |   |_______
         |           |
         |   ________|
         |   |
     ____|   |_______
     |               |
     |___    ________|
         |   |
         |   |

Run to the the seal (s) to open the door, then leave.

Third Area
        x        |
 _______|____    |     ____
|s2     |====|   |    |   |
|___    |====|   |    |   |
    |   |====|   |    |   |
 ___|   |xxxx|s1 |____|   |
|                         |
|_______               ___|
        |             |
        |____     ____|
             |   |   
             |   |

When you enter the room head straight forward to s1 to lower the bridge with
the seal then go the left way to the room with the second seal (s2) to open
the door that blocks the exit. Leave now.

Fourth Area
                    |   |
             _______|   |
            |           |
            |    ___    |
            |   |   |   |
     ___    |   |   |_x_|
    |   |   |   |
 ___|   |___|   |
|               |
|___________    |
            |   |   
            |   |

Get straight to the exit, there are explodings tags on your way so watch out.

Fifth Area
            |           |
 _x_ ___    |    ___    |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |_e_|   |   |
|   |   |           |   |
|   |   |___________|   |___
|                           |
|_______     ___________    |
        |   |           |   |
        |_s2|           |   |   
                        |   |

First go to s1 to open the door to the elevator, then go to s2. You have to
break the wall to get to s2, just activate the elevator and leave.

Sixth Area
                 | s2|
              ___|   |________
             |                |
 ____________|___             |
e                    |   |    |
|________________    |___|    |___
                 |                |
                 |s1__________    |
                              |   |
                              |   |

Just walk you way to s2, you will see s1 on the way but ignore it. After
smashing the wall and getting s2 activated you can leave the room.

Seventh Area
 ___________      ____________
|           |    |            |
|___     ___|    |________    |
    |   |                 |   |
    |   |_________________|   |___
    |                             |
    |__________s2     s1______    |
                 |   |        |   |
                 |   |        |_x_|
                 |   |
     ____________|   |
    |                |
    |    _______     |________
    |   |       |             |
    |_e_|       |_____________|

Just go to s1 to lower the bridge and leave.

Eighth Area

                |   |
                |   |
                |   |
                |   |
           _____|   |_____
          |               |
          |               |
          |               |
 _________|_____     _____|       _e_
|s        |XXXXX|   |            |   |
|         |XXXXX|   |____________|   |
|                                    |

Just go to the seal and activate it to lower the bridge, then leave.

Ninth Area
                        | s4|
                        |   |   
                        |   |
 _____________     _____|   |____________
|             |   |                      |
|____ ____    |___|     ____________     |
     |                 |            |    |
     |s3______      ___|         ___|__x_|
              |    |            |   |
              |    |     ___    |   |
              |    |    | s1|   |   |
          ____|    |____|   |___|   |____
         |s2                             |
         |______________     ____________|
                        |  X|
                        |   |

Some stuff to do. Head to s1 first. After you have activated ti just get your
way to s2 to enable it. Head to s3 now, almost done. Just get s4 activated to
leave this room.

Tenth Area
 _x_                  ________
|   |                |        |
|   |                |____    |
|   |                |        |
|   |________________|    ____|
|                        |
|____________________    |
                     |   |
 ____________________|s1 |
|                        |
|    ____________________|
|   |
|   |                     _e_
|   |                    |   |
|   |____________________|   |
|                            |

Easy going, smash the wall on your way, activate s1 and head to the exit.

Note: From here on you will need Chidori LVL 3 to smash the walls.If you don't
have it yet you won't get further in this room.

Eleventh Area
           | s2|
 __________|   |
|              |
|_______    ___|           ___
       |   |              | s1|
       |   |______________|   |
       |                      |
       |_______     ___     __|
               |   |XXX|   |
            ___|   |XXX|   |_______
           |       |XXX|           |
           |   ____|XXX|_______    |
           |   |XXX| x |       |   |
___________|   |XXX|   |       |   |
|                      |       |   |
|__________     _______|       |_e_|
           |   |

First activate the seal at s1. Now head right to s2 to activate the elevator.
Only s3 is missing to open the door and your change to leave is there.

Twelfth Area
|              |
|___     ______|
    |   |
    |   |___________________     _x_
    |                       |   |   |
    |                ___    |___|   |
    |               |   |   s1      |
    |               |   |    _______|
    |               |   | s2|
    |               |   |   |
    |    _______    |   |   |___
    |   |       |   |   |       |
    |   |       |___|   |___    |
    |   |                   |   |
    |_e_|                   |___|

Not much to do, just get to s1 to lower the bridge and leave.

Thirteenth Area
     _|  |
  __|    |_____
 |   _|  |s3   |
 |__|X|  |X|   |
    |_   |X|   |__
 ___  |  |X|    s2|
| s1|X|  |X|   |
|   |X|  |X|   |
|   |X|   _|   |
|   |X|  |X|   |
|              |
|_____     ____|
      |   |

First take the left way to change the way the band moves. Then take the other
way to activate s2 and s3. These will open the door for the band and lower the
bridge so that you can exit this room.

Note:From here on you will need Shuriken LVL 3 to smash the walls.If you don't
have it yet you won't get further in this room.

Fourteenth Area
      |                           |
  ____|   _____        s5_     ___|
 x       |XXXXX|      |XXX|   |
 |_______|XXXXX|__    |XXX|   |______
    | s4 |XXXXXXXX|   |XXX|          |
 ___|    |XXXXXXXX|   |XXX|    __    |
|                     |XXX|   |XX|   |
|_______    ___       |XXX|_s6|XX|___|
        |  |XXX|                 |
 _______|__|XXX|__     ___       |
|       |XX| s3|XX|   |   |      |
|___    |XX|   |XX|   |   |______|
    |   |XX|   |XX|   | 
 ___|   |XX|   |XX|   |__________
|                                |
|____________________     _______|
                     |   |
     ________________|   |
    |X     s1   s2       |
    |    ____________    |___
    |   |           |        |
    |_e_|           |________|

Just follow the way and activate s1 and s2 to lower the bridges. Then get to
s3 to open one of the doors. Next activate s4,s5 and s6 to open all missing
doors to the exit.

Fifteenth Area
                          x       |
                          |___    |
             _________________|   |
             |                    |
      _______|                 ___|
     |                        |
     |   _____________________|
     |   |
 ____|   |____________________
|                             |
|    ________                 |____
|   |        |                     |
|   |____    |_________________    |
|        |                     |   |
|________|                     |_e_|

Just get to the exit.

Sixteenth Area

 __                   |  |
|  |       __    __   |  |    __
|  |______|  |__|  |__|  |___|  |__
|                                  |
|____________    __________________|
             |  |   __    __    |  |
 ____________|  |__|  |__|  |___|  |
|                                  |
|__    __     __    _______________|
   |  |  |   |  |  |
   |__|  |   |  |__|

Pretty easy stage, ignore all everything and just get to the exit.

Seventeenth Area
       x           |_____
       |_______    ______|
        _______|  |
       |    s2    |
 ______|    ______|
|          |
|___    ___|__________________
    |  |XXX|                  |
    |  |XXX|___    _______    |
    |  |XXXXXXX|  |XXXXXXX|   |
    |  |XXX|          |XXX|   |
    |  |XXX|          |XXX|   |
    |  |XXX|          |XXX|   |
 ___|  |XXX|____s1____|XXX|   |
|            |XXXXXX|         |
|________    |XXXXXX|      ___|
         |                |
         |_____     ______|
               |   |

Take the right way first to get to the s1 first (you need Shuriken Lvl 3).
You have to smash a wall to get in there.After enabling the switch just go you
way to the exit. You will have to activate the bridge at s2.

Eighteenth Area

   _            _______________
  |s3|         |_  _____   ___x
 _| |_________   | |    |_|
|_   ______   |  | |** ___
  | |XXXXXX|  |__| |__| s2|
  |_|______        _______|
         __|   ___|
        |s1     |_   ______   _    _
           |___   |_|  __  | | |  | |
 ______________|  ____|  | |_| |__| |
|_________   __  |     __|_____   __|
          | |  | |   _|  |XXXXX| |
          | |  |_| __|   _   XX| |
          |_|     |__   |X|  ____|
                     |__  __|
                        | |

First get all your way to s1 to activate the elevator. Activate s2 there and
then head to s3 and activate it. Now head to the exit.

Note: shortly before you leave, there is a hidden room at "**". You migh need
to activate a search ability to see it. Use Rasengan to open it and activate
it to lower the last bridge in this room. You will get a Jutsu Scroll in the
treasure box.

Chamber of Darkness Final Chamber
   _| x |_
  |       |
  |_     _|
    |   |
    |   |
    |   |
    |   |
   _|   |_
 _|       |_
|           |
|           |
|___     ___|
    |   |
    |  X|

Finally the last room. Just go straight until a cutscene with Orochimaru and
Kabuto appears. You will have to do a boss fight against Orochimaru. If Naruto,   you will fight with two power bandits...
Thanks to Des for the walkthrough....